Thursday 15 October 2015

15 October

Today we could use the computer room during our project session. It was much easier than struggling with the weak wifi signal. Thanks to this technological support our students were really creative and worked really hard.
We have got acquainted with padlet and have created walls for making introduction of the participants, our school and Hungary as well.
During the previous session our students collected ideas about our project partner countries and today they started to arrange this information into a mindmap with the help of popplet. 

The introduction of the Hungarian project team :-)

Thursday 1 October 2015

Session 2

Today we continued with wordclouds - they became very popular. We were thinking about amusement, dialogue and project, and collected phrases we associate with these words. While collecting the words and making the clouds we discussed what we think about this project, what we expect from this international experience.

The next step among the introductory activities was to share our information about the partner countries: Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, Spain and Turkey. Some members of the project group have personal experiences about these countries but it turned out that none of us have been in Lithuania. We know quite a lot about Italy because some of us study Italian as a second foreign language at our school, and the most personal experience links us to Spain as we have had several student exchange programmes with Spanish schools.